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    2020Undergraduate Recruitment Programs of School of Mechatronics and Vehicle Engineering




    Four undergraduate majorsare provided inmechanical specialtyin the school.Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation, Material Shaping and Control Engineering, Mechatronic Engineering and Vehicle Engineering. Students are recruitedoriginally by main category and cultivated basedonthe “2+2” mode. In the fifth term, students will be diverted to programs under main categories based on their academic achievement, general performance and personal specialty.

    (I)Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation

    Program overview:This program is a branch under the main category of mechanics. Students are recruited by main category and cultivatedbased onthe “2+2” mode. This program wasestablishedin 1984. Formerly, it was the key program of the Ministry of Communications—Automobile Application Engineering and one of the first programs of the same kind set up at home. In 1997, this program was integrated and renamed as Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation.

    Based on western China and targeting at the mechanical equipment industry of the country,this program is developed on the basis of mechanical engineering and transportation engineering. In the current background of “Internet Plus” and intelligent manufacturing, this program focuses on manufacturing, application and maintenance of engineering equipment, servesforeconomic and social development of Chongqing and other western regions, and aims to develop as an advantageous program with prominent transportation characteristics. “Mechanical Engineering” is one of the key disciplines of Chongqing Municipality, which started recruiting graduate students since 2000. In 2011, it was listed as Pilot Programs under the Excellent Engineer Training Program of the Ministry of Education; in 2014, it was listed as Featured Programs under the Action Plan for Featured Programs, Featured Disciplines and Featured Universities of Chongqing Municipality. In 2015, it was approved as “Mechanical Engineering” Featured Discipline Subject Group Support Programs.In 2018, the program was approved as “Featured Programs Related to Big Data Intellectualization of Chongqing Municipality”. In 2019, it was approved as “National First-Class Programs” and “Chongqing First-Class Programs”. This program is developed on the solid foundation of specialty disciplines and which includes “Mechanical Engineering”, one of the key disciplines of Chongqing Municipality and “Mechanical Engineering” first-level discipline master degree program. It owns 4 provincial/ministerial scientific and research platforms and 2 municipal university talent cultivation mode innovation zones. It has set up 9 bases of practice in cooperation with enterprises and developed multiple talent cultivation modes such as “Excellent Engineering Training Course”, “Sino-Foreign Cooperative Training Course”, etc. It is highly featured and advantageous in construction equipment for traffic engineering, intelligent manufacturing, etc.

    Cultivation objectives:This program is divided into twomajorfields: Mechanical Design & Manufacturing and Engineering Machinery. This program aims to cultivate high-quality and application-oriented engineering talents who are up to high standards for moral, physical and mental development, satisfying the national objectives of socialist modernization, possessinghigh-level humanities literacy, social responsibility, engineering professional ethics and innovation consciousness, having solid theoretical knowledge of mechanical design and manufacturing and its automation, familiar with the basic principles, professional skills and research methods of mechanical design and manufacturing, able to be engaged in general equipment manufacturing and special equipment manufacturing, especially in product R&D, production and manufacture, testing and analysis as well as application management in the field of traffic engineering equipment design and manufacturing.

    (II)Material Shaping and Control Engineering

    Program overview:This program is a branch under the main category of mechanics. Students are recruited by main category and cultivated under the “2+2” mode. In 2012, this program was approved as “Material Processing Engineering” second-level discipline master degree program; since 2013, it started recruiting undergraduates; since 2015, it started recruiting students by the main category of mechanics under the “2+2” mode. This program emphasizes cultivating students’ innovation idea and practical ability and focuses on basics + design in talent cultivation. Graduates from this program are highly skilled in mold design and manufacturing, metal plastic processing technology development and welding process design. Most of the graduates take up jobs in fields including mechanical manufacturing, automobile, metallurgy, mold manufacturing and road and bridge engineering, and the students may also choose advanced studies and become excellent sources of graduates in this program or relevant programs.

    This program, based in Chongqing and facing the country, aims to develop with the characteristics of the transport industry based on demand of various industries such as automobile, ship, steel structure manufacturing and depending on advantageous resources of the university as well as the municipal key laboratories. This program has a highly powerful team of teachers consisting of 10 full-time teachers, including 3 professors, 4 associate professors and 1 Bayu scholar. Full-time teachers are 100% doctors.

    Cultivation objectives:This program aims to cultivate high-quality and application-oriented engineering talents who are up to high standards for moral, physical and mental development.They are expected tosatisfy the demands for economic and social developmentandhave high-level moral cultivation and professionalism, strong sense of social responsibility, innovative consciousness, team spirit and international vision. Meanwhile, theyare expected tomaster basic knowledge and application ability of mechanical science, material science, automation and computer as well as own strong comprehensive analysis ability, engineering Design ability, team cooperation ability and organization management ability.Moreover, theycan independentlydeal withcomplex engineering problems in the field of material shaping and control engineeringwiththe ability of lifelong learning, cooperation and communication and continuous development.They arerequiredtoundertake technical application and development, design and manufacturing, production organization and management, etc. in fields of material processing, material shaping process automatic control, shaping process and advanced material engineering.

    (III)Mechatronic Engineering

    Program overview:This program is a branch under the main category of mechanics. Students are recruited by main category and cultivated under the “2+2” mode. This program was set up since 1984, currently providing “Mechanical Engineering” first-level discipline master degree program and having the authorization for professor qualification evaluation. It was listed as featured programs under the Action Plan for Featured Programs, Featured Disciplines and Featured Universities of Chongqing Municipality in 2019, further listed as “Chongqing First-Class Programs” and “Featured Programs Related to Big Data Intellectualization of Chongqing Municipality. It owns several provincial and ministerial scientific and research platforms such as the Chongqing Engineering Laboratory for Traffic Engineering Application Robots and one experiment center, which has a usable area of more than 7,000m2and a total equipment value of more than CNY 50,000,000. It has successivelysupplynearly 10 engineering education practice and industry-university-research cooperation bases in cooperation with Chongqing Huashu Robot Co., Ltd., China Chang'an Automobile Group Co., Ltd. and China Communications Construction Group Limited,whichcreating high-level platforms for specialty development and talent cultivation. It has cooperated with world-class universities such as University of Illinois at Chicago, UIC in “3+2" Joint Talent Promotion Program. Theprogram has a high-quality team of teacherswithrich practicalexperience. Its teaching staff includes2 talents of Chongqing Three Hundred Leaders in Science and Technology and Chongqing Bayu scholar (provincial/ministerial talents).

    This program is established onthe country’s demand for developing the intelligent manufacturing industry and focuses on key fields including robot, big data AI and mechatronics, under which two specialties are set up: intelligent manufacturing production line monitoring & control and traffic application robot. This program focuses on breeding professional knowledge, professional skills and engineering qualities in robot research and development, intelligent manufacturing big data utilization and embedded system construction, and adapts the needs for intelligent manufacturing of key components of transportation equipment. Currently it has become a highly distinctive program. Graduates from this program are often employed by enterprises, public institutions, research institutes, design institutes or colleges and secondary schools related to these fields and mainly engaged in technical work, management and teaching of robot development and application, big data processing and embedded system development.

    Cultivation objectives:Forthe demands for economic and social development of Chongqing Municipality, especially demands for intelligent manufacturing, big data and robot industries,this program follows the concepts of “expansion, foundation, ability, quality and innovation”. It aims to cultivate high-quality and application-oriented talents whocansatisfy the needs for transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry of Chongqing Municipality.They areup to high standards for moral, physical and mental development,meanwhilehave strong sense of innovation, team awareness, international vision, lifelong learning, continuous development, team management capabilities. The graduates should master knowledge about big data-based system status intelligent monitoring and control direction as well as other basic knowledge and application capabilities related to monitoring and controlling system status based on big data, robot system development and application technology. The graduates can be engaged in the mechatronics industry,engineering construction companies or research institutes, pursuing formechatronics system design and manufacturing, integrated application of mechatronics systems, performance evaluation and maintenance of mechatronics equipment, engineering application and operational management.

    (IV)Vehicle Engineering

    Program overview:This program is a branchofthe main category of mechanics. Students are recruitedoriginallyby main category and cultivated under the “2+2” mode.Since 1984, thefirstfull-time undergraduateshad beenrecruited. It originated from thekey program of the Ministry ofTrafficTransportation—Automobile Application Engineering. Since 2003, it started recruiting studentswiththe name of Vehicle Engineering, under which two specialties—Automobile Engineering and Urban Rail Transit Vehicle wereestablishedand started recruiting graduates in the same year.

    Catering forsocial needs of new energy vehicles and urban rail transit vehicles and following national development strategies such as "Internet Plus" and "Made in China 2025", this program accuratelykeep up withdevelopment demands for rail transit high-tech equipment and new energy vehicles at the state and Chongqing municipal level.

    This program focuses on the research and development, design and manufacturing, test and inspection and application management of automobiles and urban rail transit vehicles, with the aim to serve the economic and social development of Chongqing Municipality and the western regions and thustodevelop as a program with distinctive characteristics.

    “Mechanical Engineering”whichsupportingthis program is one of the key disciplines of Chongqing Municipality. In 2012, this program was approved as Pilot Programs for the Comprehensive Reform on University Programs of Chongqing University.In 2014, it was listed as Featured Programs fundedbythe Action Plan for Featured Programs, Featured Disciplines and Featured Universities of Chongqing Municipality.In 2015, it was approved as “Mechanical Engineering” Featured Discipline Subject Group Support Programs of Chongqing Municipality.In 2018, it was candidate as “New Engineering” University Intelligent Manufacturing Discipline Su8bject Group Support Programs. In 2019, it was listed as Chongqing First-Class Programs. This program is developed on the solid foundation of specialty disciplines, under which the “Vehicle Operation Engineering” second-level discipline doctoral program and the “Mechanical Engineering” first-level discipline master degree program are provided. Currently, it has 5 provincial/ministerial scientific and research platforms including the Chongqing Municipality Key Laboratory for Integration and Control of Urban Rail Transit Vehicle Systems, Chongqing Municipal Monorail Engineering Technology Center, etc., 2 municipal university talent cultivation mode innovation zones and nearly 10 off-campus industry-university-research cooperation bases. This program is highly distinctive and advantageous in fields including new energy vehicle, intelligent vehicle and urban rail transit vehicle. The program has a highlyoutstandingteam of teachers. Currently, there are 37 teachers, including 11 professors and 27 teachers with doctoral degree. It also has 2 municipality-level innovation teams. Graduates from this program mainlyfind jobs inenterprises, public institutions, research institutes or colleges and secondary schools related to these fields and are mainly engaged in R&D, design,manufacture, test,detectionand application management of automobiles and urban rail transit vehicles.

    Cultivation objectives:Three specialtiesare available in this program: Energy Conservation and New Energy Vehicle, Intelligent Connected Vehicle and Urban Rail Transit Vehicle. This program aims to cultivate high-quality and application-oriented talents who are up to high standards for moral, physical and mental development, actively adapt to demands for economic and technical development at the state level and in local industries, possess high-level humanities literacy and solid natural science foundation, systematically master theoretical basic knowledge, professional knowledge, professional skills and research methods in the field of vehicle engineering.They arecapable of working on R&D, design and manufacture, test and inspection and project management in vehicle engineering-related fields, especially intelligent electricvehiclesand urban monorail transit vehicles.

    II.Electrical Engineering and Automation

    Program overview: This program is a branchofthe main category of electrical engineering. It started recruiting undergraduates since 2003 and obtained the authorization for conferring bachelor’s degrees in 2006. It has provincial/ministerial scientific research platforms and experiment centers including Chongqing Municipality Engineering Laboratory for Traffic Engineering Application Robot, Chongqing Municipality Key Laboratory for Integration and Control of Urban Rail Transit Vehicle Systems, etc. This program is established in Chongqing andproposedfor power systems and mechatronics equipment industries throughout the country with background of electrical engineering and traffic engineering. This program serves for the development of the power and industrial automation industries in Chongqing and other western regions by utilizing industrial advantages and industry development strategies of Chongqing. Theprogram has a high-qualityteam of teacherswithrichengineeringexperience.Theteaching staff includes2 talents of Chongqing Three Hundred Leaders in Science and Technology and Chongqing BaYu scholar.

    This program focuses on cultivating all-round talentswhospecialized in electrical engineering, control science and engineering,computer science and technology.Two specialties are set up: Power Electronics Technology & Motor Drive and Power System Automation. Graduates from this program are highly skilled in engineering design, technical development and maintenance management for power systems and industrial automation. Graduates usually go to enterprises, public institutions, research institutes, design institutes or colleges and secondary schools related to these fields and are capable of working on scientific research, engineering design, system operation, test and analysis, technical development and project management inthefields of electrical engineering, electrical control, industrial automation, etc.

    Cultivation objectives: This program aims to cultivate engineering and technical talents for power systems and industrial automation, who are up to high standards for moral, physical and mental development and adaptive to the demands for economic and social development.They are required tohave sound personality, good humanities and engineering ethics as well as certain scientific research quality and strong sense of social responsibilityTheyare expected to analyze, judge anddeal withcomplex problems in fields of power systems and industrial automation based on their knowledge of natural science and engineering. Moreover, they are expected tohave strong practical ability, innovative awareness and teamwork spirit, strong organizational management ability, good communication and writing skills, strong lifelong learning ability and broad international perspective. Graduates from this program arecompetentfor conducting scientific research, engineering design, system operation, test and analysis, technical development and project management in fields of electrical engineering, electrical control, industrial automation, etc.

    III.Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation (Sino-foreign cooperative schooling)

    Program overview:This program was approved by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China in 2012, aiming at cultivating internationalized and innovative advanced engineering and technical talents. This program is established based on its Mechanical Engineering discipline and the specialty of Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation, mainly cultivating talents for the mechanical manufacturing industry. It has introduced educational ideas and superior educational resources from Mechanical Engineering - Northumbria University and sets up its core curricula on the basis of digitalized manufacturing and intelligent manufacturing technologies, intending to cultivate digitalized manufacturing technology talents with international awareness, innovation awareness and team awareness. The program is currently working hard to develop distinctive industrial characteristics and improving its reputation at home and abroad. This program currently has 4 provincial/ministerial scientific research platforms, 2 municipal university talent cultivation mode innovation zones and 9 off-campus practice bases in cooperation with enterprises. It has developed varied modes of talent cultivation and has significant advantages and features in traffic engineering construction equipment, intelligent manufacturing, etc.

    Students participating in this program will receive degrees and degree certificates of Chongqing Jiaotong University once satisfying the university’s requirements for academic achievement; students satisfying the conditions for studying abroad under this program can study at a cooperative university for at least one year and will simultaneously receive the degree certificates of Northumbria University and degrees and degree certificates of Chongqing Jiaotong University once accomplishing the academic achievement required by the universities.

    Cultivation objectives:This program aims to cultivate internationalized advanced engineering and technical talents who are up to high standards for moral, physical and mental development, have international perspective and innovative awareness, strong English communication and teamwork skills, master the basic knowledge and professional knowledge of mechanical digitalization, intelligent design and manufacturing, receive basic training for modern engineers, and are capable of designing, manufacturing, organizing the production of and managing digitalized and intellectualized products in the mechanical engineering field.

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